Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Saving 37% on Background Check Costs

Organizations across industries face the pressing challenge of optimizing costs while ensuring comprehensive investigations.

Mountain Management, as we’ll call them, was astonished to learn the true cost of their background check, as third party fees built up tremendously.

Once the true savings potential was uncovered, they realized implementing a more efficient process meant savings close to 40%.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

The Uniqueness of New York State County Courts

Embarking upon a comparison of businesses within the background screening industry can be daunting. It’s often hard to tell what each inquiry means and entails between one vendor and the next.

There are some companies that have some unique offerings, such as Commercial Investigations LLC (CI), with our Cursory Indicator New York inquiry.

New York is extremely unique when it comes to how criminal records are created and maintained.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

The Anatomy of a Background Check

In the world of background investigations, the quest for truth is paramount.

Each layer peeled back reveals a candidate's past, illuminating their character and potential fit for a role. From criminal history to cyber footprints, the anatomy of a thorough investigation is a complex and vital process.

Read more as we delve into the intricate steps and best practices that make up a comprehensive background check, ensuring informed and confident hiring decisions.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Not Every Arrest Results in Conviction

This case study takes an in-depth examination of when CI NY hits do not result in passable convictions.

This happens more frequently than not, but what happens when an individual has a huge number of booking records and only one or two cases are reportable?

The individual we are studying had several booking records that we researched fully, only two cases were reportable, and only one matched the CI NY results.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

CI Uncovers A Sex Offender

At Commercial Investigations LLC, we came across an alarming occurrence. This is a case study of a convicted and registered sex offender for which the NYS OCA provided absolutely no results.

This case study is a step by step analysis of the research performed to reveal missing information that was not provided by the New York State Office of Court Administration.

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